Development of the Nova Luz game for use in psychotherapy in cases of food disorders
Cognitive behavioral therapy, Eating disorders, Game.Abstract
The cognitive-behavioral approach is based on the cognitive model associated to specific techniques and strategies, aiming at modifying thoughts, beliefs and dysfunctional behaviors related to the patient's suffering or emotional disorder. Although CBT has become accepted as one of the main methods of treatment for eating disorders, studies are still growing in Brazil. This article proposes the development of the Nova Luz game as a resource to be used in psychotherapy in cases of Eating Disorder. The construction was done according to the existing literature and the acquired knowledge. Thus, it achieved the purpose of creating an artifice that would promote moments of psychoeducation and contribute to the investigation of important factors for the psychotherapeutic process, in a less tense and more spontaneous way during the session, when the patient brings the complaint related to food issues.Downloads
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