Features of business planning of innovation activities in scientific and educational organizations





Business plan, Innovation, Intellectual property rights, Results of intellectual activity, Mean of identifications


The purpose of the article is to summarize existing approaches to business planning, to define the structure of the business plan, to emphasize the difference between business planning of scientific organizations in higher education institutions and the corresponding process in commercial organizations, and Make recommendations on the organization and implementation of the planning procedure for the Russian education and scientific development sector. The article presents the main stages of the innovation process, the specificity of the innovation process, and its two-stage nature (where the first stage is completed with the creation of «novation» and the second - «innovation»). The authors present a business planning process and emphasize the peculiarities of its development in institutions scientific and educational organizations. Based on such analysis, the authors make recommendations for business plan developing for such types of organizations.


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Author Biographies

Irik Sabirzhanovitch Mukhamedshin, Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property, Moscow – Russia


Olga Alexeevna Pyataeva, Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property, Moscow – Russia


Pavel Sergeevitch Korneev, Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property, Moscow – Russia

Center analyst.

Maria Sergeevna Borisova, Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property, Moscow – Russia

Acting Head of the Center for Scientific and Expert Analytics.

Maya Igorevna Evdokimova, Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property, Moscow – Russia

Assistant professor.


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How to Cite

MUKHAMEDSHIN, I. S.; PYATAEVA, O. A.; KORNEEV, P. S.; BORISOVA, M. S.; EVDOKIMOVA, M. I. Features of business planning of innovation activities in scientific and educational organizations. Revista on line de Política e Gestão Educacional, Araraquara, v. 25, n. esp. 5, p. 3116–3125, 2021. DOI: 10.22633/rpge.v25iesp.5.16000. Disponível em: https://periodicos.fclar.unesp.br/rpge/article/view/16000. Acesso em: 6 oct. 2024.


