Individual innovativeness and leadership self-efficacy among the teacher candidates
The mediating role of self-regulation approach
Teacher candidates, Self-regulation approach, Leadership self-efficacyAbstract
A limited number of studies have assessed the relation between individual innovativeness and leadership self-efficacy among the teacher candidates. This research investigated the mediating effects of Self-Regulation Approach, to determine the direct and indirect relationships between teacher candidates' individual innovativeness and leadership self-efficacy. Participants (between 17 and 24 years old) at a university (N=350) participated in this study, 68.9% (241) of the participants were female, 31.1% (109) were male. The correlational survey model was used. Instrument of the study was comprised of four sections: (i) Personal Information Form containing demographic variables, (ii) Individual Innovativeness Scale (IIS), (iii) Leadership Self-Efficacy Scale (LSES) and (iv) Self-Assessment Approach Scale (SAAS). The results show that regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses, and leadership self-efficacy scale was defined as dependent, individual innovativeness as independent, self-assessment approach as mediator, and gender and grade level as control variables.
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