Inclusion of persons with disabilities in the labor market: outlook on production exclusion
Disabled person. Job market. Inclusion. Exclusion.Abstract
The present work, through a bibliographical review, seeks to show how the social participation of people with disabilities occurred in the labor market, showing that social participation is directly linked to work. People with disabilities were, and still are, excluded from the labor market by the association between disability and disability, and work follows this line that market-standardized exclusion excluded all those who could not contribute to the development of the forces Productive. Today's society migrates to a stage where differences are no longer seen as negative points, valuing individuals by their singularities. To this end, legislation is used, which has also been modified to meet the demands of minorities, to ensure social equality based on the constitutional principles of isonomy and the dignity of the human person. It is pointed out that work stimulates development and is a decisive factor in the process of social inclusion of people with disabilities, being indispensable for the construction of the individuality of the subject as an active participant in society. In order for such a construction to take place, it is necessary to have multiple efforts and the participation of all segments of society, providing alternatives linked to social inclusion in order to promote a true cultural change in relation to human diversity and potentialities. In this way, it turns out that the challenges and confrontations encountered by people with disabilities are anchored in the history of humanity, revealing that the successful society is one that favors, in all areas, human coexistence and respect for diversity that It constitutes.
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