The challenges for innovation in school management in small companies




Radar of Innovation, Innovation in marketing, Innovative schools.


The implementation of innovation actions in small companies is essential for the expansion of competitiveness, increase of billing and many positive changes in the different sectors of the economy. However, innovate brings questions and uncertainties, especially in small companies. Therefore, the Program Local Innovation Agents (ALI Program) objective to disseminate knowledge and guide the practice of innovative actions in these companies. Its methodology involves diagnoses and monthly follow-ups, within a period of 30 months, divided into 4 cycles. For this article, were analysed 8 companies from the educational segment, participants of the ALI Program, belonging to the municipalities of Marília and Assis, state of São Paulo, with the objective of proposing actions that aim at improving the relationship with students, emphasizing the clarity of the company's value proposition and the competitiveness of each. For this, was carried out bibliographical research, on-site study for observation and application of the Radar Innovation Diagnosis, which measures the degree of global innovation, in a set of 13 dimensions. From this, it was identified that the companies were able to put into practice different marketing innovation actions, through the development of the studied dimensions, presented improvement in Cycles 0 and 1. The proposed actions also brought positive results in the level of customer satisfaction, besides of greater engagement of students and community with the school.


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Author Biography

Maria Carolina Almeida Dias, UFSCar Sorocaba

Mestra em Sustentabilidade na Gestão Ambiental - Ufscar Sorocaba


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How to Cite

DIAS, M. C. A. The challenges for innovation in school management in small companies. Revista on line de Política e Gestão Educacional, Araraquara, p. 424–438, 2018. DOI: 10.22633/rpge.v22.n.1.2018.10893. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 oct. 2024.


