Critical thinking in training bachelor of law in Vietnam under the influence of the process of internationalization of higher education and the fourth industrial revolution
Critical thinking, Bachelor of laws training programs, Universities, Lecturers, LearnersAbstract
Training the Bachelor of Laws to meet the requirements of thinking capacity, the ability to react to diversity, the unpredictability of unexpected events is a practical manifestation of critical thinking. Practice shows that if learners are not equipped with critical thinking in the training process, they will have difficulty in adapting to the working environment after graduation, especially for academic law training like in Vietnam. Accordingly, the training process focuses on developing the cognitive capacity, accumulating knowledge rather than developing legal professional skills for learners, so the training process for bachelor of law focuses on developing the synthetic thinking, focusing on reasoning and analysis. The manipulations and skills of the legal profession are being implemented and determined to equip only the basic skills and manipulations, and thus learners have the ability to adapt and apply the legal provisions to professional practices at the most general level.
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