Private higher education in Brazil
A critical analysis based on Roberto Damatta, Pierre Bourdieu and Zygmunt Bauman
Private higher education, Reproduction, Inequality, Hierarchization, Liquid ModernityAbstract
This work aims to analyze the context of private higher education in Brazil, drawing parallels from the perspectives of anthropologist Roberto DaMatta (1997), French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu (1975), and Polish sociologist Zygmunt Bauman (2013). The aim is to highlight some characteristics of Brazilian culture in order to understand power disputes and inequalities in the reproductive model of education in liquid times. By reading and analyzing these authors, although they are in different contexts and times, it will be possible to point out that private higher education ends up reproducing inequalities rather than promoting social justice and effective transformations. This is why it seems inevitable and urgent to create interdisciplinary alternatives and dialogues based on socio-cultural analyses that add to the debates in the field of education.
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