The school evasion in the technological courses of the federal institute of education, science and technology of São Paulo - IFSP
School evasion, Teaching technological courses, IFSP, Institutional management.Abstract
The subject of this research, documental and qualitative, is the evasion of students in technological courses of higher education. The research is justified by the fact that there is still a little explored field of knowledge about avoidance in higher education. The main objective of this study was to identify the factors that caused student dropouts at the Federal Institute of São Paulo (IFSP) in a campus from 2011 to 2017. Institutional documents were examined regarding 746 students who had been evaded. The results showed that, in spite of the different actions developed by the institution to know the reasons and avoidance, these were not considered satisfactory by the participants of the research. The causes pointed out by the subjects interviewed can be classified in: a) Scarce commitment to avoidance; b) Organizational failures (limitations in the academic management system and absence of standardization for collection and analysis of data on avoidance); c) Failure in the relationship between sectors.
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