Teaching voices from the perspective of affectivity in childhood education
Affectivity, Child education, Teacher.Abstract
The development of children in early childhood education involves several aspects inherent to the school context. Mainly, the question of affectivity is considered as a central element in the learning process. Thus, the following research sought to give teachers a voice about the importance of affectivity in the child's development, more specifically, in early childhood education in the municipality of Bertioga. To this end, the research was structured based on a bibliographic survey according to the theoretical assumptions of Wallon and Piaget, which portray the importance of interactions in human development, also highlighting the relationship between affectivity and children's learning. For a conclusion based on experiences in the school context, the field research was carried out with 7 teachers from different schools, through a semi-structured interview with teachers from public and private schools in the municipality of Bertioga. The data collected by the interview with teachers allow a more in-depth reflection on school practices and the importance of affectivity from the perspective of teachers.Downloads
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