Saga gypsy: intergenerational (auto) biographical narratives in the community of the Sumaré neighborhood in the municipality of Sobral-CE
Gypsies. Stigma. Interculturality. Intergenerational narratives.Abstract
Who are, as they live, what the members of several gypsy generations think? What do we know about them are transmitted by themselves or by the filter of prejudice, discrimination and stigma? To what extent does intercultural dialogue permeate society's vision of the Roma community? Therefore, this article describes and analyzes three autobiographical intergenerational gypsy narratives composed by a family organized in father, daughter and uncle, that will be denominated of: SUN, MOON and STAR, respectively. The gypsy community under study is located in the Sumaré neighborhood, in the municipality of Sobral, Ceará. Oral narratives were collected in the form of semi-structured interviews. The main result of the research reveals that the gypsy community is still involved in prejudice, stigmatization. We realize in the research that the community makes its history to face situations of stigma and socio-cultural exclusion, with attitudes of resistance, maintaining their customs and way of being. Finally, we understand that listening to the gypsy community, their voices, to serve as amplifiers of their resistance, makes it possible to maintain and recover their cultural identities, with respect to their origins.Downloads
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