Social impacts of new migratory flows and language policies in Brazil: the teaching of portuguese as a welcoming language
Portuguese as a Welcoming Language, Forced immigrants, Language policies, Social policies.Abstract
In this paper, we consider the teaching of Portuguese as a Welcoming Language in Brazil – which is represented by the initial “PLAc” - as a way of producing agency for the conquest of rights to forced immigrants. Our motivation to undertake this discussion is given by the fact that the teaching of PLAc is recently debated in the public and academic spheres, consequently, it is necessary to start new researches to develop this linguistic field, taking into account the discussion about linguistic policies that overlap the horizontalities and verticalities. Moreover, throughout our research, we are faced with the lack of theoretical and didactic materials - for teachers and students - that deal with PLAC teaching from the perspective of reterritorialization and agentivity. How to elaborate welcoming teaching avoiding the reproduction of excluding models that separate the immigrant student from the Brazilian teacher? Does the PLAc constitute a diminutive or additive language teaching while it is the language of new living space for migrant people? In view of the state of the art of the researches and assertions so far proposed, we reflect in what way the PLAc focuses on the policies for refugee immigrants in Brazil, besides discussing the nomenclatures “immigrant” and “refugee”.Downloads
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