Career guidance as a form of self-determination and life self-realization of the youth




Career guidance, Self-determination, Life self-realization, Prospects, Competitiveness, Education, Self-knowledge


Professional self-determination of young people is a controversial process complicated by the need to choose the field of activity and determine their place in life. Taking into account the complex influence of all factors on the professional orientation of young people is considered a reliable guarantee of the young person's choice of profession as part of life self-determination. However, it cannot be assumed that this process does not need management and practical support, and it can be carried out in a self-adjusting way. In addition, when choosing a profession, young people often rely on external attributes (publicity, showiness, prestige of the profession within the immediate circles) which gives rise to a corresponding interest in its development. Sometimes they do not take into account their correspondence to the requirements of the particular professional field: personal traits representing the importance of a professional, intellectual level of development, or the physiological capabilities necessary for the implementation of this professional activity. Increased attention is aimed at development of the natural instincts of the younger generation, as well as their professional formation, that is, on organizing assistance to young people in the choice of employment. At the same time, the choice should be made not only with a focus on the needs and opportunities of young people themselves, but also taking into account the labor market situation in the conditions of continuous updating of the list of popular professions. Willingness to respond quickly to market demands is the most approved approach to choosing a profession in modern conditions. Timely and qualified assistance in professional orientation would help young people meet the highest need: the need for self-realization.


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Author Biographies

Elita S. Tabolova, Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute (BRANCH), Zheleznovodsk

Senior lecturer.

Vladimir A. Taranov, Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute (BRANCH), Zheleznovodsk

Senior lecturer.

Natalia A. Perepelkina, Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute (BRANCH), Zheleznovodsk

Senior lecturer.

Tatyana I. Lantsova, Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute (BRANCH), Zheleznovodsk

Senior lecturer.


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How to Cite

TABOLOVA, E. S.; TARANOV, V. A.; PEREPELKINA, N. A.; LANTSOVA, T. I. Career guidance as a form of self-determination and life self-realization of the youth. Revista on line de Política e Gestão Educacional, Araraquara, v. 25, n. esp.1, p. 726–742, 2021. DOI: 10.22633/rpge.v25iesp.1.15009. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.