Health anxiety levels and organizational commitment status of handball players to their teams during COVID-19 pandemic
COVID-19, Healthy anxiety, CommitmentAbstract
The purpose of this study was to investigate health anxiety levels and organizational commitment status of handball players to their teams during COVID-19 pandemic. 84 elite handball players (male=40, female=44) participated in this research. An information form was used to determine occasions and behaviors of handball players during COVID-19 pandemic. Health Anxiety Scale and Organizational Commitment Scale were performed. Data obtained were analyzed through SPSS package. In research results; there were no significant difference in health anxiety scores of handball players with regard to gender, sports type, training and wage. While male players were determined to have higher normative organizational commitment and continuation scores than female players, National players were determined to have significantly lower scores in continuation, normative and total organizational commitment scores. However, it was determined that there was a significant correlation between COVID-19, total anxiety scores and organizational commitment subdimension scores of handball players.
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