Differentiated learning for children with right hemispheric brain organization
Left-handed children, Manual asymmetry of the brain hemispheres, Elementary school age, Voluntary regulation of activity, Mental developmentAbstract
The purpose of the study is to develop and approbate the Model “Teaching first-graders with right-hemispheric perception using the ‘School of Russia’ educational and methodological complex” and test its efficiency; to create an educational Project “Teaching first-graders with right hemispheric perception the techniques for mastering and memorizing educational materials in the conditions of blended learning”; develop practical recommendations for scientific and pedagogical workers on the peculiarities of working with left-handed students. The empirical study confirms the hypothesis that the use of the specialized Model “Teaching first-graders with right-hemispheric perception using the ‘School of Russia’ educational and methodological complex” by the teacher and the mastery of a particular method of memorizing educational materials by the students contributes the development of spatial representations in children, their phonetic and phonemic hearing, and the skills of coherent written expression.
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