An analysis of as the environment influence in the learning and The behavior of the student and its importance in the initial Teacher training
Educational activities, Initial teacher training, Different methodologies, Environment, Educational psychology.Abstract
The present work is an experience report about an activity carried out in the medical horticulture of the Federal University of Lavras, referring to the discipline of Educational Psychology in one of its classes. The work in question aims to understand and analyze how the environment can provide benefits for students, and their importance in initial teacher training. In order to analyze the obtained results, we used the qualitative research, which approaches the direct proximity of the researcher, for a better organization, the categorization method was used where four categories were found: "Activity seen as a methodology different from the traditional one"; “student participation and the same being in an environment that differs from the classroom"; " increase the ties in the student-educator relationship" and”"way to get to know the student better". The work seeks to understand how different methodologies are effective and help in the formation of the person, and how these interdisciplinary means help in the most effective knowledge and understanding of the world.Downloads
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