Evaluation shared between training teachers and students of the licensee courses
Shared evaluation experience, Initial formation, Evaluation processes, Self-evaluation, Evaluation as learningAbstract
In the present work we discuss the importance of the shared evaluation between teacher trainer and students in the initial formation and in the development of the knowledge of the future teachers, in view of the perspectives and answers that the teacher will feed back their formative practices. We start from the following research question: How is the conception of evaluation effective as learning in shared processes of development of the evaluation knowledge in the licenciandos? In this way, we have as a general objective: to analyze the shared experiences of evaluation between teacher trainer and licenciandos in the curricular components of History of Education; Educational and Curricular Theories and Practices and Educational Processes I, taught in the undergraduate courses in Pedagogy and Mathematics of IFC Campus Camboriú. We are based on authors such as: Esteban (2006); Hoffmann (2001, 2003); Libâneo (2012); Lukesi (2006), among others. This qualitative research, based on the ethnographic case study, used the techniques and instruments of research to participant observation and questionnaire. We perceive that shared assessment is an important process of training future teachers through the educational and pedagogical practices of teacher educators who develop evaluation processes as a learning process and emancipation of subjects.
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