Psychological and pedagogical potential of the discipline “personal development”
FSES 3 , Universal competencies, Personal development, Learning technologiesAbstract
The article presents the results of the theoretical substantiation of the essence of the concept of "student's personal development" as a conscious process of purposeful self-change of personality, manifested in the progressive improvement of psychological characteristics of a personality and leading to the formation of universal competencies. The role of the discipline "Personal development" is shown in the formation of universal competencies of students, implemented in the direction of training "Information systems and technologies" of HE programs of the Industrial University of Tyumen. The authors highlighted the components of the student's personal development: cognitive, evaluative-reflective, practical-activity, disclosed their indicators. Exercises are presented and substantiated, which can be used in the educational process of the university to form universal competencies. The learning technologies considered by the authors will strengthen the active role of students, create conditions for self-expression and disclosure of their personal potential.
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