Youth subculture and education
Higher education, Youth subculture, Interactive forms, Self-identification, Personality socializationAbstract
Educators, policymakers, and the public are often intensely engaged in youth cultures and practices. Nowadays, young people behave in irrational, creative, selfish, deviant, apathetic, generous, committed, tolerant, and many other, often contradictory ways. Educators should attend to widely circulating accounts of youth, because these often yield or buttress attitudes and policies that influence young people. The paper presents the results of a study of youth subcultures as an interactive form of self-identification and socialization of university students’ personality and educational purposes. The theoretical basis of the study was the scientific works of famous domestic and foreign scientists in the field of social sciences, education, and humanities. Research methods: practical and theoretical ones. The theoretical methods are analysis, classification and generalization. The practical methods are sociological survey and testing. The study sample consisted of students at Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V. Ya. Kikot, Moscow State University of the Civil Engineering, Russian State Social University and Moscow City University. As a result of the data obtained, the authors of the paper designed a program of additional education for university students in the context of the development of youth subcultures. The designed program is directed towards the interaction of youth subcultures and institutions of higher education. As a result of the testing of the program at the aforesaid institutions of higher professional education, the effectiveness of its introduction into the educational process has been proved.
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