Axiological aspects of traditional family education in the Belgorod region
Family, Values, Belgorod region, Axiology, Education, MulticulturalismAbstract
The article is devoted to the axiological aspects of traditional family education in the Belgorod region. The article analyzes and compares the features of family education in Russia and the Belgorod region and provides a historical overview of the problem. The authors come to the conclusion that the basis of traditional family education in different historical periods was: respect for the elders and showing attention to the younger ones; value attitude to the native language in the family; labor education from an early age, based on the division of responsibilities according to gender; careful attitude to the land; morality, consisting of religion and nationality, using family-household and calendar rites. Multiculturalism inherent in the study area: the interaction of Russian, Polish, Ukrainian, Lithuanian, Belarusian traditions, could not but affect family education, the dynamics of spiritual values of society, values in leisure and cultural institutions of the Belgorod region.
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