The use of the game starring in the children’s education
Gameplay starring, Higher psychological functions, Child education, Teaching practicAbstract
The theory of the game is proposed by Elkonin (2009) and consists of explaining the main activity performed by pre-school children: the representation of the social roles that children assume while playing. For Elkonin (2009), these representations help the child in incorporating social norms, but also collaborates for an effective development of students' psychic functions. This theory also brings the need for teacher intervention in the process of playing the game. Therefore, considering the relevance of this activity in the educational process of preschoolers, the objective of the research is to verify the teachers' perception of the protagonist game and its accomplishment in the pedagogical practice in children's education classes. The research was qualitative-quantitative, carried out through a semi-structured questionnaire containing six objective questions with space for argumentation.Downloads
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