The mediation of conflicts in education in a dialectic perspective and the practice of the educational advisor
Educational orientation, Mediation of conflicts, Educative practice.Abstract
The article presents a theoretical review that has the purpose of reflecting on the mediation of conflicts at the practice of Educational Orientation. The main focus is on the meaning of the mediation, highlighting the dialectic mediation, theoretical perspective that, as we believe, offer broad possibilities of developing the skills and social abilities and also transformations on the educative practices of the professionals that work on this field. The theoretical review is justified by the extremely small availability of productions that approaches the subject, both regarding articles as well as dissertations and theses. From the long experience of one of the article’s authors, we initially seek to analyze the meaning of the concepts of mediation and conflict, highlighting historical aspects and main conceptions, to then discuss the role of these professionals on the management and mediation of conflicts.Downloads
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