Reflections on intercultural and inclusive teaching in the light of the epistemologies of Freire and Maturana
Teacher education, Inclusion, Interculturality, Paulo Freire, Humberto MaturanaAbstract
In this essay we will discuss intercultural and inclusive teaching in the light of the epistemologies of Freire and Maturana. As a Methodology, we will follow a course of theoretical construction and semantic approximations of the concepts of interculturality and inclusion, as a contribution to the discussion on teacher education. Continuing, we will show that both culture and interculturality can be thought of as linguistic networks in which language and emotion are intertwined. The concept of inclusion will be discussed in the more general scope of ethical issues, as we believe that acceptance of the other, while legitim other, in coexistence, is more an emotional issue than a rational one. Emphasizing emotions and, within these, love and ethics, as a concern with the consequences of our actions on other human beings, is fundamental for our analysis, particularly in this moment of resurgence of the culture of hate and clashes in the field of human rights, including education.
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