Formation of external cognitive tools among future teachers of chemistry
Cognitive didactics, Education, Cognitive tools, Thinking style, Cognitive activityAbstract
It is important to understand the features of the instrumental side of the cognitive organization of each student, in the process of teaching and upbringing, as a reflection of the properties of the integral structure of the human cognition system. The article is devoted to the problem of identifying and using the prevailing styles of thinking of students, future teachers, in the process of their vocational training at the university. Goal of research ‑ determine the prevailing style of students' thinking activity with a possible typology. The relevance of the problem under study is associated with the need to solve the issue of the optimal use of the individual thinking characteristics of bachelor students, future chemistry teachers, for the development of their methodical thinking as the integration of scientific thinking of a separate taught science, scientific - research pedagogical thinking and applied pedagogical thinking. The authors point out that the master's degree program should also use the idea of implementing and researching students ' mental operations in a certain sequence: presentation of knowledge → structuring knowledge → transformation of knowledge in conjunction with the main tools of thinking, as the highest stage of human cognition - concept, judgment and inference. As a research methodology, the article proposes the use of diagnostics by A. Alekseeva and L. Gromova "Individual styles of thinking" to determine the styles of thinking, the purpose of which is to study the individual characteristics of thinking. It has been established that the implementation of the methodology used contributes to the study of the basic styles of thinking of students: synthetic, idealistic, pragmatic, analytical, and realistic. The information obtained will allow each teacher at the second stage of higher education - the magistracy, to rebuild the teaching method of his discipline with a focus on the personality characteristics of the cognitive tools of each student individually and the entire group together.
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