Inclusive education: the pedagogical work of the teacher for the autistic student in elementary school I
Elementary education I, Inclusive education, Specialized educational service, Autistic spectrum disorder, Pedagogical work.Abstract
The present article was to investigate the pedagogical/teaching work of teachers to the public-target students of special education, particularly with regard to students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). To this end, a field research was carried out with a qualitative research approach and had as a methodological procedure, the case study, using data collection, from a semi-structured questionnaire with 7 open questions. Participated in the study three teachers of a municipal elementary school I of Bauru, in which each of them, respectively, obtained diverse experiences for the student, currently inserted in the year 2018 of the 3rd year, highlighting the social interactions Experienced and aimed at the difficulties faced by teachers in teaching work, although they possess the continuing education, the Psychopedagogy, in which it was aimed to approximate the research with reality. As a result, it was verified that there are many barriers to be overcome until we can call it effective work, within inclusive education on the profile of this public. Also verified, through the questionnaires, that the student uses collaborative practices offered by the school that include not only the regular teacher, but also the specialist teacher, who works in the Specialized Educational Service (AEE), In the resource room and the assistance of a caregiver to accompany it, in the applicability of the adapted activities, according to the teacher. He concluded that although the teachers have continued training on the subject addressed, they still face difficulties in the pedagogical work.
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