MOOC + synchronous support for foreign language teaching
Exploring a teaching experience
Language teaching, Pedagogical design, Teaching experienceAbstract
In this article, I present my experience of devising, implementing, and evaluating the MOOC + synchronous support pedagogical design. In order to understand what Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) are, I briefly discuss their history and characteristics, highlighting the possibility of complementing this pedagogical model of online courses. I discuss the pedagogical design conceived and implemented on the basis of a pilot experience with a beginner's French course for undergraduates of a public university. I completed my explanation of the MOOC + synchronous support proposal by discussing two experiences of replicating the pedagogical design in English and Portuguese as host language courses when I had the opportunity to do teacher training. I conclude with reflections on the continuum in the process of innovative implementation of a pedagogical design that takes into account linguistic specificities and pedagogical support issues, in addition to the use of digital technologies.
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