Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação: Fatores determinantes na qualidade e formação de profissionais


  • José Jairo Vieira
  • Marcelo Pereira de Moraes
  • Andréa Lopes da Costa Vieira




Public Policy Education, Assessment Policies, Quality of Education, Teacher Traini


This work aims to demonstrate how important it is to evaluate the strategies , plans and programs implemented in the educational system in order to improve , correct , develop , add new methods and decisions . A constructive evaluation provides these opportunities to draw a quality public education system , according to our demands and realities . Discrepancies are located very clearly when we see statistical indices facing quantitative example Census relating to PROUNI , Fundef PROHACAP and , leaving aside an index that goes hand in hand and is essential for the realization of the unity and efficiency, effectiveness and productivity : " quality " . After initiation of this research , we can verify in general that widi the right people in the right places , well qualified and trained , with an adaptation and implementation of public policies for our demands widiout introducing international packages that do not match our reality with an Organ external watchdog , the example of the CGU , performing audits focused on die area of education , within the time required , with a curriculum analysis more specific dian general training of new professionals and based on an institution serious and impersonal toward the delivery in full of statistical indices supervening , there is a great possibility of better qualify Brazilian education


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How to Cite

VIEIRA, J. J.; MORAES, M. P. de; VIEIRA, A. L. da C. Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação: Fatores determinantes na qualidade e formação de profissionais. Revista on line de Política e Gestão Educacional, Araraquara, n. 16, 2017. DOI: 10.22633/rpge.v0i16.9357. Disponível em: https://periodicos.fclar.unesp.br/rpge/article/view/9357. Acesso em: 6 oct. 2024.


