The importance of educational affectiveness
Learning, Affectivity, Bond, School.Abstract
Affectivity is a human psychological state, so it is part of schooling and the teaching-learning process. The aim of this article is to demonstrate how and why affectivity is linked to the teaching-learning process, emphasizing that without the establishment of affective bonds, it is not possible for the learner to provide energy so that his desire to learn is manifested. In this way, it is possible to affirm that there will be no learning if there is no cognitive and affective development, concomitantly. The affectivity has been the subject of study by many authors, and all are unanimous in stating that integral human development must have cognition affection. Not infrequently, we find children who do not learn or who do not wish to learn since they are unable to establish affective bonds with the school and with teachers. The school is the first living environment away from parents and family, so it should be welcoming and amenable to affective development.Downloads
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