Internet, memory and learning: digital technology and the implications in memory




Technology. Internet. Memory. Learning.


Human development is largely linked to the technologies and the accumulated knowledge of the time. The human being makes instruments, manufactures appliances, coexists with a certain technique that makes a peculiar circumstance. Technology and society are inextricably linked to the Internet, also called web 2.0, and it is the most evident expression of our socio-cultural and technological moment. This communication technology, which was revolutionary, is now strongly rooted in daily activities, invading life in many ways. The objective of this research was to show, through a case study with in-depth interviews with network users, the changes caused by it - new relations with time and space, forms of sociability, access to large amounts of information and interactivity - they changed radically habits and behaviors, ways to communicate, interact and learning and created an extreme dependency relationship with this medium. As a result, the internet is increasingly in memory of its members in their memories and individual experiences and it also has a great influence on the formation of social memory. By changing the everyday life and its communication processes, it also changes ways of thinking, worldviews and plays an important role in the creation, maintenance and development of the symbolic life, which contributes to the formation of collective memory. Internet lives in a kind of feedback loop with the collective memory: influences the memories of its members and at the same time, feeds repeatedly imaginary and social memory.


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Author Biography

Melanie Retz Godoy dos Santos Zwicker, Unesp- Faac - Campus Bauru

Doutoranda em Mídia e Tecnologia pela Unesp/Faac, Mestre em Comunicação pela Unesp/Faac, Graduada em Comunicação Social e História.


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How to Cite

ZWICKER, M. R. G. dos S. Internet, memory and learning: digital technology and the implications in memory. Revista on line de Política e Gestão Educacional, Araraquara, p. 1638–1654, 2017. DOI: 10.22633/rpge.v21.n.esp3.2017.10073. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 dec. 2024.

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