Development of an action plan for higher education using strategic management tools and team business models
Planning, Action plan, Strategic management, Undergraduate course, Education, Higher education.Abstract
Changes in the education scenario due to MEC’s (Ministry of Education) evaluation instruments update in 2017 show that HEI (Higher Education Institutions) mentality needs to be renewed with a bigger focus on planning, innovating and disrupting. The course coordinator’s role must be guided by a documented and shared action plan, administrating the faculty’s potential and supporting continual improvement and integration. Strategic management assists in breaking old paradigms and implementing innovative ideas. In light of these new challenges the São Camilo University Center – SP proposed through this article, to report its experience concerning the joint construction process between teachers and coordinators to create an annual action plan. The creation and implementation of this action plan had a positive impact in academic planning conduction, besides assisting in the early detection of problems, team and manager’s commitment, identifying an action renewal need, in addition to stimulating a cooperative approach and helping to command individual actions focusing on a global effort.Downloads
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