Social service. Pedagogy and education. Training and role of the teacher. Social assistance.Abstract
We present here the possibilities about the role of the educator in social organizations, integrating the guidelines and intentions of public policies of social assistance. In this way aims to raise possible reflections about social assistance in Brazil, to the formation of the pedagogue, their functions in the field of social work, as well as its contribution to the achievement of public policy goals of social assistance. Will be addressed such concepts from literature search where the indicators of hypotheses were raised of empirical way to elucidate concepts, hypotheses and the evidence of the issues initially raised. Through this research some challenges were appointed, clarifying that the teacher's work in the social entities, namely, social pedagogy is intrinsically linked to the concepts of social education, non-formal education and the integral education of individuals; the amplitude of these concepts with the devaluation of the professional educator who works in the social field enhances the importance of not cease our search for clarity and recognition of social pedagogue.
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