Comprehensive education and the development of social and emotional skills to prevent the occurrence of bullying in school environments
Inclusion, Education, Respect, Moral values, EmpathyAbstract
The objective of this research is to demonstrate how an integral education of quality can enable the development of social and emotional skills. An education that aims not only to keep the students in school all day, but, mainly, to provide a meaningful education that allows them to experience their daily lives in their studies with an expanded curriculum. By developing socioemotional skills, these individuals become more empathetic and sensitive to the causes of others, and also able to understand, accept, and get involved with demands for inclusion, respect, and solidarity. The research also brings reflections on how the school can be a complement to family deficits in the formation of moral values, ethical values, and awareness of respect for others. In this context, within a new educational model, it is possible to verify how much this student-citizen becomes more aware and more understanding of practices that may harm the other. A school that forms students not only with the content of a plastered curricular matrix, but with the purpose of raising awareness about the importance of knowing and fighting for social causes, causes of inclusion and respect for all, is certainly the most contemporary school model that we can have. Consequently, in this school scenario, the research aims to demonstrate how this scenario is able to prevent, reduce and, perhaps, end the cases of bullying in schools and in life, since the school educates beyond the school walls.
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