Formation technologies of professional competence for prospective teachers




Formation technologies, Professional competence, Prospective teachers, Higher education


The organizational and atavistic block of research competencies is characterized by the criterion of acquiring skills to organize research activities by a teacher. Thus, this study attempts to analyze the formation technologies of professional competence for prospective teachers. To attain the aim of the study, a descriptive method is utilized. The studies of the process of managing the psychological and pedagogical competencies of a higher education teacher are considered to come to a reliable conclusion. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that there is a necessity for the proper organization of activities and the active use of technology for working with students and young people, which makes it possible to combine teaching and educational goals as much as possible, both in the educational process and beyond.


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Author Biographies

Dinara Sadirbekova, Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University, Almaty – Kazakhstan

PhD Doctor, Senior teacher.

Zafura Shalgynbayeva, RSE NSPEEC "Bobek" The Humanities College "Self-knowledge", harmonious development of Man, Almaty – Kazakhstan

Teacher of the special disciplines.

Valentina Мakhatova, Kh. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau University, Atyrau – Kazakhstan

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.

Oryngul Tabyldieva, The Caspian state university of technology and engineering of Sh, Esenov – Kazakhstan

Candidate of Historical sciences, Associate Professor.

Raushan Zharmukhametova, NAO "Shakarim University of Semey" RK, Semey – Kazakhstan

Master of Pedagogical Sciences.

Marina Sladkova, Kh. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau University, Atyrau – Kazakhstan

Department of «Programming Engineering».

Ardak Amangeldi, Kh. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau University, Atyrau – Kazakhstan

Department of "Programming Engineering".

Aray Anuarbekova, NAO "Shakarim University of Semey" RK, Semey – Kazakhstan

Undergraduate student.

Elonora Abdol, Kh. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau University, Atyrau – Kazakhstan

Associated Professor, Head of the Department.


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How to Cite

SADIRBEKOVA, D.; SHALGYNBAYEVA, Z.; Мakhatova V.; TABYLDIEVA, O.; ZHARMUKHAMETOVA, R.; SLADKOVA, M.; AMANGELDI, A.; ANUARBEKOVA, A.; ABDOL, E. Formation technologies of professional competence for prospective teachers. Revista on line de Política e Gestão Educacional, Araraquara, v. 25, n. esp.7, p. 4129–4142, 2021. DOI: 10.22633/rpge.v25iesp.7.16172. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 dec. 2024.




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