Experience report: reflections on the role of physical education professional in the field of multiple deficiencies
Physical education professional. Multiple disabilities, Inclusive actions, Interactive practices.Abstract
This scientific work privileged to report the inclusive practices of the discipline: Physical Education for People with Disabilities. The welcoming actions were carried out in the Association of Parents and Exceptional Children - APAE. These experiences are effective in the field of action based on the interest in understanding the role of the Physical Education Professional within the scope of multiple deficiencies. This paper aims to describe the interactive activities with people with multiple disabilities in APAE through the discipline Physical Education for People with Disabilities. The methodology used by the study was to action research, with the purpose of producing information and knowledge of in-depth use, including at the pedagogical level, which promotes conditions for actions and transformations of situations within the institution itself to care for exceptional people. Therefore, it was discussed how much any professional wants to be seen with a formative constituent deferenced in their field of activity, and with the Professional of Physical Education is not very deferent, most of the times one is aware of the range of benefits that the profession can To provide in the different practices, but which still raises doubts as to its concrete legitimacy in the progress of the individual. It is concluded that it is imperative that the Physical Education Professional occupy this space.Downloads
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