Non-obvious truisms of education: public school
Research, Teaching and learning, PsychologyAbstract
Development is not an open nod that, even having external motivations/pressions, needs to be solved from the inside out, with due authorship. Today there is no chance for a country to try any economic policy alternative that opposes liberalism, even if it is not Marxist or similar. Liberalism is a violent straitjacket, even if the notion of freedom is essential in etymology. Let us not simplify things, however. When we observe in African countries that girls are genitally mutilated for religious reasons, the impulse is to defend them, because sexuality itself is an inalienable right. Those who believe that even though human rights are endowed with relative (non-relativistic) validity, it is the case to condemn such mutilation practices, because humans cannot be truculently disfigured enters into a complex area, such as interfering with the education of children, to prevent girls from being domesticated as servants of men. In any case, however, we must prefer convincing approaches, although one can or should even admit intervention to prevent truculences of this magnitude.
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