School management and the materialization of the Special Education policy in the United States in the voice of a school principal
International comparative education, School management, Special educationAbstract
This article aims to highlight aspects of the materialization of the Special Education policy in the United States and the interdependent relationships of education professionals. We used the interview as a methodological resource for the production of data, with a middle school principal in the state of Massachusetts (MA). This text is part of the results of a doctoral research that uses comparative study as methodology, with a focus on the United States and Brazil. The interview, carried out in February 2021, followed a script of 12 semi-structured questions that addressed issues related to Special Education. The results indicate the importance of school management observed in the relationship between management and the various parts that make up the modality such as the Special Education coordinator, specialist teachers, services provided to Special Education students and especially the decision-making power of parents.
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