Evaluation of learning and school inclusion: a process of exclusion or an act of love
Learning evaluation. Special educational needs. School inclusion.Abstract
Much has been written and spoken about the school inclusion of students with special educational needs in the regular school network. However, registration alone is not sufficient to include if there are no effective learning and assessment conditions, so that the differences are respected and worked out. The present study aims to study and analyze the different forms of evaluation from a theoretical point of view and how it can contribute to the success of school inclusion. We will present the historical course on the types of evaluation, a brief reflection on the inclusion and the role of the teacher in this process and we point out the role of evaluation in the effectiveness of school inclusion. Based on the principles that education is the basis for the development of the citizen and that school inclusion is a right, and based on the assumptions of the historical-critical conception, we highlight the contribution of evaluation in this process. However, if the student needs are not met and the evaluation points out the limitations, not the possibilities, the inclusion process can not actually take place. The discussions here show that, gradually and interactively, inclusion is taking place, although there is still a long way to go.
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