Content and form of literary reading: considerations on teacher training and activities of basic education
Content and form, Teacher training, Literary reading, Basic education.Abstract
Literary works are rich sources of human productions, cultural goods produced by men throughout history, which when appropriated by the subjects, contribute to their human formation. For it to materialize, the way in which the teacher works the contents present in a work is a determining factor. Thus, the present study aims to discuss the implications of teacher training for the pedagogical work with literary reading in Elementary School I, from the words of thirteen teachers of this stage of teaching. All of them answered a semi-structured online questionnaire. The responses were analyzed through the dialectical critical approach. The results show that in spite of recognizing the contents contained in the literary works, many teachers still develop a pedagogical work whose form is fragmented. It also highlights participants' dissatisfaction with initial training. Thus, it is necessary to rethink this formative process, which should subsidize teachers who train readers to teach the reading of students, contributing to their critical and reflective human formation.Downloads
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