Hybrid teaching. Teacher. Higher educationAbstract
The study in question deals with theoretical and methodological concepts built in the Research Group on Education and Technologies - GPET, at the Integrated Regional University of Alto Uruguai and the Missions - URI Campus of Frederico Westphalen - RS. It aims to approach Hybrid Education as a source of interactive practices in Higher Education. Its methodology is the qualitative study, through the theoretical research and brings in its reference the main exponents: Prensky (2010), Christensen (2015), Bacich (2015). Institutions have been receiving a native digital generation that expresses their knowledge and desires to learn, with technology as a strong ally. It is urgent to prepare the teacher for reflexive practice, innovation and interaction. As a conclusion, the hypothesis of Hybrid Teaching combines the interactivity and knowledge so necessary to this generation that it arrived at the university and allows the teacher to institute a methodology that proposes the wide exchange of ideas and the ability to dialogue about contents in an interactive and differentiated way.
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