Educational diagnosis in the career of pedagogy in kindergarten education
Diagnosis, Educational, Career, PedagogyAbstract
This article aims to determine the educational diagnosis in the career of Pedagogy in Early Childhood Education at the Miguel de Cervantes University located in Santiago de Chile. For this, a quantitative approach and a non-experimental transectional-descriptive design were used. The participants were 300 students who were in the first semester at the aforementioned University. Intentional probability sampling was applied and a Likert-type questionnaire was used. The results showed that the students manage that the UMC does not have the Early Childhood Education career, however, it has the minimum requirements for said creation. The findings found allowed to determine that students require the creation of said career in order to have established processes that allow continuous training and lifelong learning, which makes the difference with other institutions that have taken the work of developing this career.
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