Teaching-learning evaluation. Professors. Students.Abstract
This paper is a result form a research applied to Degree in Languages (Portuguese) course at Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú (UVA), located in Sobral, estate of Ceará, Brazil. The aim was to comprehend the perspective from professors and students about the evaluation of the teaching-learning process. In theoretical reference we refer to authors like: Antunes (2001), Carneiro (1998), Freire (1983, 1996), Hoffman (2011), and others who research about evaluation and its influences on teaching and learning processes. We emphasize the consultation accomplished on institutional documents of Degree in Languages (Portuguese) in order to gather information regarding the formative process of those who attend to that degree at UVA. The research had a qualitative nature, being configured as a case study and the methodological procedures included both professors and students testimonials, from the subjective question: “What do you understand by evaluation?”. The results allowed us to perceive a transforming aspect of professors’ practices and their concern with overcoming the theory and practice binome, through activities that involve graduates’ social and pedagogical areas of work. We can also perceive that there is a very intense need to proceed with a dialogical problematization of classroom experiences and learning, working everyday with multiple reflections that can reveal the educational beliefs that permeate the imaginary and the existing relationships between the protagonists of the educational praxis: educators and learners, in face of the evaluation.Downloads
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